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Det fineste mohairgarnet, i de nydeligste fargene, fra franske Fonty.


50gram pr.nøste = 145m


75% kid mohair • 20% ull • 5% polyamid



Pinne 4mm:

Pinne 5mm:

Pinne 6mm:

Pinne 7mm:

Pinne 8mm:

Pinne 9mm:


Behandling av plagg:

Plaggene bør vaskes for hånd, med en mild såpe, uten rotasjon. Plagget tørkes flatt.


Tekst fra produsenten om Ombelle:

OMBELLE combines 75% mohair fibre, which brings a vaporous, fuzzy and swelling side, with a binding fibre ("core of the yarn") made with 20% natural wool and 5% polyamide material; the latter brings its resistance and its elasticity while being used for the realization of the loops. Mohair fibre is the fleece of this particular breed of goats of Caucasian origin, raised today mainly in the highlands of South Africa, even if high quality breeding has been developing in France for several years. Fonty selects fine, long and homogeneous fibres on herds of young animals.


kr 149,00Pris
MVA Inkludert
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    Tilgjengelighet i nettbutikken reflekterer ikke tilgjengelighet i en av våre butikker. Ombelle får du kjøpt fysisk hos Tjorven garn i Oslo

Tjorven garn 974 541 491
Valkyriegata 17

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